Maine Coast Organic Sea Seasonings - Sea Salt With Sea Veg - 1.5 Oz Shaker

Maine Coast Organic Sea Seasonings - Sea Salt With Sea Veg - 1.5 Oz Shaker

$ 3.98
Organic raw kelp and dulse granules combined with sea salt is a Raw Food! We think you'll love the subtle taste and interesting look of Maine-made salt blended with our sea veggies. This blend contains enough of our iodine-rich kelp and dulse granules to provide 370 mcg of iodine per 1/4 teaspoon serving, which meets or exceeds the 150 microgram RDA for iodine. The book "Iodine, Why You Need It" by Dr. David Brownstein, says that most of us aren't getting enough iodine even if we eat lots of iodized salt. In fact, as a population iodine levels have dropped 50% in 30 years (according to a NAHNES data in 2000). The reasons are complex, but it's partly because many are turning from iodized table salt to sea salt and partly because some studies show the iodine in table salt may only be partly bio-available anyway. According to Dr. Brownstein, your thyroid as well as your entire endocrine system depends on iodine as an essential element.
Ingredients : Ingredients include kelp (A. nodosum) granules, dulse (P. palmata) granules, and sea salt. Sea Seasonings Nutritional Chart ND = Not Detected N/A = Not Tested Serving Size: 1/4 tsp / 1.5 g US RDA Protein 0 g 50 g Total Fat 0 g 65 g Total Carbohydrates < 1 g 300 g Fiber < 1 g 25 g Calories 0 cal 2000 cal Calcium 3 mg 1000 mg Magnesium 14 mg 400 mg Potassium 22 mg 3500 mg Iodine 360 g 150 g Iron ND 18 mg Sodium 328 mg 2400 mg Vitamin A ND 2.0 mg Please remember that the statistics in these charts have only relative significance. Sea vegetables are wild marine plants, and specific laboratory analysis may vary due to naturally occurring fluctuations in the plants. These fluctuations may be due to time of year, tidal flows, weather patterns, and other factors. We believe the whole plants provide more than the sum of their parts. Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) are determined by the National Academy of Sciences as guidelines to meet the nutritional requirements for healthy individuals in the USA. Views on the validity of these guidelines cover a wide spectrum. Nutritional assays are performed or coordinated by Katahdin Analytical Services in Scarborough, Maine.
Size : 1.5 OZ
Pack of : 1

Product Selling Unit : each